Project funding

Application for financial funding of a self-organised project

With the application for financial funding you can apply to the AStA for money for student projects or initiatives as well as masterclasses, that you (co)organise. Further information about the application, the proccess of filing it and the payment can be found on the application form. Important: We do not fund masterclasses, that you privately attend!

This is the application form.


Application and funding timeframe

For the financial year of  2024 applies:

2nd application timeframe: April 15th - may 15th 2024

2 Förderzeitraum: June 1st - december 31st 2024


What can be supported?

1. Master classes up to 1000€

2. Student projects/initiatives up to 500€.

3. Partial funding is possible in each case.


Who can be funded?

1. The AStA can only fund applications from students who are members of the student body of the Hochschule für Musik Freiburg. The AStA prefers to fund projects that take place at the Musikhochschule.

2. The AStA decides on the eligibility for funding. Whether a project application is approved depends on the total budget of the AStA and the total number of applications received. There is no entitlement to funding.

3. The project should have a benefit for the student body of the Musikhochschule. It should also meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • The project promotes exchange (between e.g., music and other arts, the students at the Musikhochschule, etc.)
  • The project supports social and societal concerns
  • The project is a supplement to the teaching offered by the Musikhochschule
  • The project serves charitable purposes

4. If possible, the project should not have the following criterion:

  • The project makes a profit. Unplanned profit will either be deducted from the funding amount or may alternatively be donated to a non-profit organization.


How does the application work?

1. The completed application form must be sent to or dropped into the AStA mailbox outside room 099.

2. The funding period for projects is the calendar year. There is one application period per funding period. If there is still money left after the distribution of the funding, a second application phase will take place. The dates of the application phases can be found on the homepage and the notice board.

3. The application for funding of a project must be submitted in the respective application phase for the funding period in which the project takes place. Exceptions can be coordinated individually with the AStA.


Payment of the funding amount

1. For disbursement, the AStA requires all original invoices and receipts. Thermal receipts must be copied and stapled together with the copy. All funding must be fully documented with original invoices.

2. In the case of approved applications for master classes, it is possible to submit both receipts for costs already paid and outstanding invoices. These can only be covered in full in each case.

3. In the case of approved applications for student projects/initiatives, the applicant must always make advanced payments/prepayments. Receipts and invoices must be submitted to the AStA as an attachment to a disbursement application. This can be downloaded from the homepage. Reimbursements will only be made after submission of a complete statement of account and original receipts for the approved expenses as so-called shortfall funding. This means that it is only in the subsequent settlement that it is determined how high the expenses were and to what extent they are not covered by other income. Disbursement of the money before or during the ongoing project is not possible.