Help with problems

In times of need - offers to help you

Any person at a university or college sooner or later comes across sudden and individual problems. It is no shame if that happens to you, just for that we have many different contact points in and outside the Hochschule. When in doubt, you can always turn to the AStA and we will try to forward you or help you ourselves.

For the most common issues the Hochschule has collected an overview on their homepage. Furthermore you can find some important subjects down below.

Physical and mental health

Students are usually under a lot of pressure, that can quickly lead to physical and mental issues. So do not hesitate to get help if you find yourself in a situation like that. At the Hochschule we are lucky to have the Institut für Musikermedizin with competent specialists, that can professionally attend to your problems and are closely connected to the university hospital.


If you are dealing with mental issuesthis is a visualization of possible symptoms and solutions.


These are contact points for you to turn to:

This is the homepage of the Institut für Musikermedizin in Freiburg.

This is the emergency site of the university hospital.

This is the psychotherapeutic council service of the Studierendenwerk.

Financial issues

In case of financial issues its best to turn to the Studierendenwerk Freiburg. They have several programs for individual help with financial squeezes, they manage the BAföG and can coucil you generally about financing your studies. The AStA itself cannot fund such cases, the financial funding applications are only meant for student initiatives and transportation allowances.

Information about the Studierendenwerk.

Information about BAföG.

Job placement via the Studierendenwerk.

Problems with accomodation

In case you are having trouble with your accomodation or with finding one the Studierendenwerk once again offers its help. You can find an overview over all the student residences in Freiburg and surrounding area where rooms normally are a bit cheaper than on the free housing market. For this, too, they have contact persons. Moreover the Studierendenwerk has an accomodation service.


Student residences in Freiburg an surrounding areas

accomodation service

FAQ about finding accomodation

Problems with organisation of your studies

With problems to organise your studies its best to contact the Studierendensekretariat. If it is a general problem with your course of study you should turn to the student represenatives in the corresponding academic commission. They can introduce your concerns in their meetings to improve the conditions.